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Safety Guidelines
Sometimes meeting people you've been corresponding with through discussion boards is tempting, especially if you have discovered you have something in common.
While we know that this happens, we are concerned for your safety, so here are some suggested 'common-sense' guidelines to your meeting. It's always best to be cautious - there may be something that hasn't occurred to you before.
Once you've considered this, there are some guidelines that you should always follow (really they are just common sense):
  1. If you are under 16 - NEVER meet someone that you've met over the Internet unless you are accompanied by a trusted adult (in other words a parent or guardian).
  2. The nature of the Web means that it's easy to feel that you know someone that you've spoken to online and that they seem like an old friend. But STOP and think about it - you've never met them in real life and maybe never spoken to them. Do you really know who they are?
  3. Always tell someone where you are going and an expected return time or leave a note with the details displayed clearly somewhere in your own home.
  4. Some discussion forums do organise group events, so while these may be safer (by virtue of the fact that there's safety in numbers), you still MUST be cautious.
  5. Before you agree to meet, consider this - how do you know that the person that you are meeting is really who they say they are and that you can identify them. Knowing someone's username doesn't mean you "know" the person.
  6. Meet in an open public place, preferably with a 'real life' friend.
  7. Never leave a function with anyone, not even to be escorted around the corner to your car (this applies to both men and women) unless you already know him or her in real life.
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